Saturday, 4 June 2011

How do i change my rear tail light bulbs?

1985 Chrysler 5th ave; the bulb is broke and i don%26#039;t know how to change it.|||i learned this today in drivers ed :). Usually the steps to perform this task is in the manual. It is specific to every car. If you can not figure it out I recommend going to a mantinence shop, because your license can be taken away because of this, and you can be fined over 200$. This website might also help鈥?/a> . I hope this helps :) Good luck.|||Open the trunk, twist the big plastic piece right behind where the bulb should be counterclockwise, pull it out of the housing and there%26#039;s the bulb. Twist out the bulb, put new one in, and put it back together the way you took it apart. Easy.|||I don%26#039;t know that model but look for access in the trunk.

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