Friday, 16 September 2011

My bearded Dragon is sick PLEASE HELP!!!?

OK, first, he is about 4.5 inches long (without tail) and is in a 55 gallon tank. Untill today, i fed him brocolli, squash, zucchini and gut loaded crickets. The lighting was two 75 watt zilla lights (not sure if they were UVB). His basking area was around 95 degreese and the rest was around 80.... (It is winter and my whole house is cold... not sure how to get it higher atm) The substrate i used was wallnut shell. About a week after i got him he was twitching a bit and was told to give him more sunlight and feed him more greens.Everything had been fine untill some time later ( a week ago or so) and he started getting slugish and not eating... he then began to drag himself around with his front AND back legs. I waited 2-3 days hoping it was just a small problem that would fix itself. I deeply regret waiting... and today changed his substrate, lighting, diet, and temperatures to as follows.

Substrate - Newspaper untill he is 6%26quot; then will move to alfalfa pellets

Lighting - added a 24%26quot; UVB zilla 8.0 and a zilla red infrared night bulb

Diet - learned i had been giving him a Ca:P of about 1:3... which is HORRIBLE and should be 2:1( or so i read) I now feed him collard greens as well which are around 4.5:1 Ca:p ratio (please give me more options to help) and the lighting bumped up his tems all around about 5 Degrees. If any more information is needed Please ask for it.

Thanks for reading my question and please post any information i might find helpfull!
My bearded Dragon is sick PLEASE HELP!!!?
It doesn't sound like brumation to me at all, and by the size of your Beardie he is probably too young for that anyway.

It sounds like Metabolic Bone Disease to me. Zilla lights are marketed as UVB, but are so low that they don't do much of anything. So neither your old bulb nor your new bulb are going to help. Now that he has MBD, you need more than a run of the mill 10.0 fluorescent to reverse it. I recommend the Megaray line of lights, which you can get here: or the T-Rex line of lights, which you can get at some petstores and places like or Both of those are Mercury Vapor Bulbs, and put out about 4.5 times the microwatts of UVB you can get with a 10.0 UVB light. They need to be replaced annually, and should be at least a foot away from your Bearded Dragon.

Next, you should probably get some liquid calcium. Your vet may give this to you, if not you can order some from here. (You'll want the calcium Glubionate): http://www.beautifuldragons.503xtreme.co鈥?/a>

Now it is possible that he is also impacted as well as having MBD, from your substrate. If he hasn't pooped in a week or more, assume this is also the case. To treat impactions, while waiting for the vet visit, give him warm baths and gently massage his right lower belly. This will help him pass anything stuck in his digestive system.
My bearded Dragon is sick PLEASE HELP!!!?
can u please read my question bout my beardy not eating?

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Walnut shells are sharp and he could have ingested one of them. If he did it could have become stuck in his digestive system. Take him to a qualified vet ASAP.
well first of all i think he has vitamin d definicy which is caused from lack of sun (uvb) you should get at least a 10.0 desert uvb bulb and dust all his food everyday with a good calcium vitamin supplement. more than likely you may want to take him to the vet. here are a few websites that may help鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

Brumation doesn't happen until they are at least a year old. I think you just need to dust ALL his food with calcium powder..babies need more calcium than you think. My daughter and I have a 4 year old bearded dragon who had a calcium deficiency when we adopted him and he was dragging his legs around (I took him to the vet thinking they were broken) and then he started having seizures (terrifying). I'm glad to see that you are going to set up an appointment for him, just make sure the vet you call specializes in exotics. I took mine to another vet once (our regular vet was on maternity leave) who didn't specialize in exotics and she ended up making him worse!!! They will tell you anything they want..they have no clue what to do with an exotic pet. Good Luck!!
I dont think your lighting is very good, ive heard bad things about those brands. I would use either the reptisun 10.0 or a mercury vapor bulb (for reptiles) like the Mega Ray. Your basking temperature should be around 100-110 degrees, and for substrate you should probably use tiles or paper towels. I think it definitely does have something to do with calcium deficiency. Either way best of luck and hope he gets well

Rescued Iguana is having troubles?

Well, I did great with my Beardies and my Niles but for some reason this Iguana is still something new to me. I'm starting to wonder if he's just upset or ill. Either way, he has a vet appointment, but the closest one is in a week...

He is about 24 inches long and he was sort of a rescue since the previous owner did NOT take care of this guy and she offered him to me for some Christmas money for her.

He was never given more then 30% humidity where she had him and I've definitely changed that!

He did not come with a thermometer or hydrometer (and I got his cage from her, too) so I am guessing he was never given the right temperature too. I've changed that as well. Now he's got between 60-70 percent humidity and it's 90 in his cage.

I've ordered him a new UVB bulb. He has never had UVB lighting, either, apparently! The bulbs he had when I picked him up were a common light bulb and a heating-coil bulb. Ouch!

He's a gorgeous green color but from the shoulder's up it's all a dull, moldy green color. Like rotting spagetti, or something like that color, to be honest.

And he is not eating. Last night me and my husband had to make him angry a bit for him to open his mouth and then when I gave him a bit of mustard greens he ate them right up. But only one leaf last night. Today I got him to eat about ninety percent of a mustard green leaf and then he just wanted to sleep in my lap. So I'm going to try every few hours to get a little more in him. When I went to go pick him up, I asked her if he had any favorite foods so I could try and bond a bit with hi and she told me his diet was solely turnip greens and apples or oranges. I almost don't blame him for taking no interest in the turnip greens or apples last night, I'd be tired of them too! And he doesn't seem to like banana or mango either...

He has not had a bowel movement in twenty-four hours, either.

When I pet this guy I can feel his ribs, and when he breathes you can see his upper chest sink lower then his ribcage sits on his lower chest.

And he is alert as well as checking my out everytime I say his new name. But if I get a hand within a foot of him I get the tail. Anything closer and, well, his claws left blood down my arm this morning. He was never handled and he never has had his claws clipped. Any ideas on how I could safely get these claws clipped since he has such a bad attitude?

I'm working with him, but it'll take some time. Last night in the bath he actually looked like he was shivering even though I had the water about 95 degrees. I don't think he's ever been given one of those either.

I have tried to contact the previous owner by phone and email now but no responces from her or her husband. Which makes me think even more that they knew he was ill and wanted to make some money off of him before he died because they could not afford veternarian care. This makes me very angry, as I am sure most of you understand. This poor guy has been through so much and been given so little, I'm surprised he made it to this age and size in his life.

I am, to say it bluntly, asking for any help with his eating problems. coloration problems, temperment problems and maybe some advice on clipping his claws with him in such a bad tempered state.
Rescued Iguana is having troubles?
First, let me say you are doing a really good thing here by taking in a mistreated iggy (there are way too many out there!) and actually knowing how to take care of him!!! This is so rare and it's a relief to know that there are still people out there who have managed to keep hold of their own brains. =P

His lack of appetite or bowel movements could be a sign of impaction. Who knows what he was being kept on at his previous residence?! I wonder if it could also be some sort of worm...? When he does defecate, is it extremely smelly or runny? Worms can obviously cause bowel problems, although usually internal parasites cause excessive defecation, but they would also explain the loss of appetite and weight. It's very good that he is still alert, at least (although I'm sure this has resulted in a few bites and scratches on your end). Something that may help keep that up is an electrolyte powder that you add to the water and provide a warm bath with. Nutralyte is what we use at work. I swear by this stuff--it's amazing supplemental treatment for sick herps. You can find these electrolyte powders at most specialty pet stores. (They may be in the bird or even the horse section if not in the reptile section.) You can also ask a vet if they know of where you can get your hands on some.

I would try every food under the sun to try and get him to eat more. Keep it up with the mustard greens since he has eaten a little bit of those. He may go for other kinds of greens as well, like dandelion greens or collard greens. Papaya is a must try. They LOVE it. Also, if you can get your hands on some cactus or hibiscus treats, they might spur his appetite as well. The green iguana society has a whole list of foods that are good for your ig as well, if you wanna check it out.鈥?/a>

These are the cactus treats we sell at work, by the way. There is a smaller package as well. The hibiscus treats I actually saw in a bird pet store...I haven't seen them since though. =( Maybe you have some good old fashioned flowers around? Hey, you never know. =P鈥?/a>

The coloration is you have a picture? It may just be his natural coloration. If you don't have a picture, you can look at other peoples' pics online and see if it's just his normal color. Their heads are a bit lighter/more gray-green than their bodies. However, if it is more like a splotchy discoloration, it could be a bacterial or fungal problem with the skin. Your vet should be able to help you out if that is the case. It could even just be a pre-shedding issue, or just a result of stress.

Good old Melissa Kaplan.鈥?/a>

As for the sharp nails....yeah. For now, I'd invest in a nice pair of thick gloves. =D No need to stress him more than he is understandably stressed. You may be able to get the herp vet to help with that if it is really bad. It'll probably take more than one person to get it done if he is not very happy about it. And the bad attitude is normal, I'm sure you know. Taking his previous husbandry into consideration, I'd say you should count yourself honored that he even lets you pet him at all, let alone sleep in your lap! Anyways, I'd say temperament is something you should worry about once his overall health has improved more.

Wish you the best! You deserve for him to get better. I hope everything works out. Good luck, iggy!!! :D


Dang! That is one lime green iguana! XD The greyish coloring looks like it is fading in from the patterning on his back and sides, so hopefully that is just his normal coloring. If it was a skin problem I would think it would be more sudden and blotchy looking than that. Again, you can ask your vet to make sure. Such a bright dude!!! :D

Why is my 2000 Taurus passenger side headlight dim??

I have replaced the bulb and even the socket, no change. Most people will say: must be a ground. Duh! But how do i go about fixing this? I also noticed while backed up to a wall that the tail light on the same side is just slightly dimmer than the other, but the headlight difference is alot worse. Do i need to just run my own wires or what?? Please help!
Why is my 2000 Taurus passenger side headlight dim??
You should check for corrosion in the bulb socket. Spray some WD-40 in it and then plug the bulb back in.
Why is my 2000 Taurus passenger side headlight dim??
Check you ground wire on the light most likely that what the problem is
the ground wire

How bright are the "super bright" LED's?

I know led technology has come quite a ways in the last few years, and they have gotten pretty bright, but i'm trying to figure out a good comparison.

Here's the thing. I have an old 60's motorcycle, and the headlights on these motorcycles were HORRIBLY DIM. they may have been 35 watts, but they were tungsten bulbs, so about 1/4 as bright as a 35 watt halogen.

the original headlight blew, so i refurbished it and fit the biggest bulb i could find in it just for now (25 watts...........) this is a 6v bike, not 12 like newer bikes and cars by the way.

Long story short, i want to replace it with an array of LED bulbs using the original housing to do it. it won't be difficult to do, but, before i waste my time on something like that, i need to know if maybe 20 to 25 super bright LED's would be an improvement to what i have now.

this is a 125cc motorcycle, i rarely ever ride it more than 1 to 3 miles from my house, and typically in the daylight anyway, but i go to the store now and then in the middle of the night on it.

Long story short, NO highway driving neither day or night, so i don't need a million candlepower spotlight on the front of it (though it could be fun)

I'm highly considering changing out the tail light and blinkers out with LED's too in order to further conserve energy and allow the battery to charge better.

thoughts? opinions? knowledge?


p.s. I know about resistors and such. just looking to know how bright they are and if it would work for my needs
How bright are the %26quot;super bright%26quot; LED's?
I would check to see if they don't already make a replacement led cluster for your motorcycle. They led lights are normally measured in Lumen s or candle power so you could compare that to what you would like to have on you motorcycle. I would think that what ever led combination you would get would be much brighter than you have already.
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  • 91 Honda Civic Hatchback DX brake lights not working!?

    OK. so. I have a 91 Civic DX hatchback. The tail lights come on when the headlights are turned on. Good.....but when I press the brakes, the lights dont change. when the high-beams are on, all the tail lights except the one in the spoiler come on. Still no brake lights. its not the bulbs, and its not a fuse. (under dash at least I have yet to check under the hood) HELP ME!!!!! how do I fix this?
    91 Honda Civic Hatchback DX brake lights not working!?
    Find a good flashlight, and slide your driver's seat back. The switch for the brake lights is under the dash, mounted near your brake pedal assembly.

    When you are not touching the brake pedal, the brake pedal assembly should be pressing on the switch. The peddle frame should leave the switch when you push the brake.

    You have to find the switch, often very simple to do, sometimes they are hidden by all kinds of stuff. See if you can remove it, it needs to be tested with a continuity tester. Many hobbyist's have them and will be glad to check it for you. The switch is not expensive.

    My tail lights dont work when i turn my head lights on?

    i have a 92 nissan 300zx 2+2. my license plate lights have been out ever since i bought the car so i decided 2 change them 2day. i put them in but they still didnt work and there was battery acid all over the socket. i had switched my lights on 1 click (2 means the head lights would come on) and forgot 2 turn them off before messing with the socket.

    i started trying 2 clean some of the battery acid out of the socket where the lights go with a flathead screwdriver. so as im doing this i can see that my tail lights are on. i was cleaning out around the positive and negative charges and my lights started to flicker. then the second time i think the positive and negative charges connected/touched completely through the screwdriver and my tail lights went out, my deck reset, and my headlights wouldnt come on.

    now when i try and turn my head lights on the tail lights dont come on unless i step on brake. instead of my headlights coming on when i switch them to on my high beams are on instead. i checked all my fuses and they are ok. my fuse links are all fine 2. the bulbs are all fine. i think i really messed up the wiring by touching positive and negative.

    how can i fix this??? it is very important that my tail lights work because this car is my daily driver and i work graveyard shift.
    My tail lights dont work when i turn my head lights on?
    Well sounds like you probably fried the switch, i'd try replacing that if it doesn't solve your problem, be prepared to start tracing wires. Start from the affected area and trace it all the way back. You could have melted a wire which is causing it to short out or you could, have killed a relay as well. Did you just check the fuses under the dash, because there is probably another fuse box under the hood as well where you can check some of the relays.
    My tail lights dont work when i turn my head lights on?
    You smoked the fuse just change it and quit sticking screwdrivers in the light sockets.
    get new taillights
    Your tail lights and number plate lights are on a different circuit to the brake lights.

    You may have a poor connection, or broken wire.

    Poor earth return is a common problem.
    If all the advice above doesn't help your only other option is getting a specialist auto electrician to run diagnostics and track down where you shorted out the circuit.
    check the fuse, then scrape the contact in the sockets and put some grease in the sockets.
    My guess is you don't have grounding of the bulbs, because of the corrosion. I would say this because you state the %26quot;tail lights come on when you touch the brake%26quot;. I'd bet the brake lights don't come on!

    This can happen because of the tail light filaments %26quot;finding ground%26quot; via the stop light filaments when the brake light switch is worked.

    What you need to do is to test between the bulb contacts and a GOOD ground point, with tails switched on, using a voltmeter or a test lamp. If the volts are there, ground is the problem. Clean everything VERY well!

    Jokes? i found them funny?

    Knock, knock.

    Who's there?

    The police. I'm afraid there's been a car accident and your husband is in hospital.

    A man walks into a pub. He is an alcoholic whose drink problem is destroying his family.

    Did you hear about the blonde who jumped out off a bridge?

    She was clinically depressed and took her own life because of her terribly low self-esteem.

    What do you call a cat with no tail?

    A Manx cat.

    Why do undertakers wear ties?

    Because their profession is very serious, and it is important that their appearance has a degree of gravitas.

    How many electricians does it take to change a light bulb?


    Why do women fake orgasms?

    Because they want to give men the impression that they have climaxed.

    Two men are sitting in a pub. One man turns to the other and says: 'Last night I saw lots of strange men coming in and out of your wife's house.' The other man replies: 'Yes, she has become a prostitute to subsidise her expensive drug habit.'

    Two cows are in a field. Suddenly, from behind a
    Jokes? i found them funny?
    um that isnt funny 1/10 for trying

    well i guess answering your might have found it funny but i didn't

    their not really jokes...
    Jokes? i found them funny?
    You should be on the television
    i found them funny too haha

    they freshn me up!!
    what are you on have you any spare
    lol at wards comments above, try harder friend.
    They're not really jokes, just things you can say

    The one about the men in the pub is all right...not that funny though

    I wish I had some of whatever you ahd when you found them funny! No offence intended...
    these are not funny!
    Well that was a waste of five points, wasn't it?
    These jokes are a complete shitload.
    sorry don'y get em
    Uhh, I only like the first one.
    tree a dog barks and all the little momo's run away yay

    Dressage Jokes?

    How do you get your quadrille team to ride their figures in perfect


    %26gt;Shoot all but one of them.


    %26gt;What do dressage riders use for contraceptives?

    %26gt;Their personalities.


    %26gt;How can you tell if an arena is level?

    %26gt;The drool comes out of both sides of the rider's mouth.


    %26gt;How do you tell when a dressage rider is dead?

    %26gt;The wine bottle is still full.

    %26gt; %26gt;

    %26gt;How many Dressage Queens does it take to change a light bulb?

    %26gt;One. She holds the light bulb and the world revolves around her.


    %26gt;What's the difference between a Dressage Queen and a pirhana?

    %26gt;The top hat and lipstick.


    %26gt;How do you tell when a Dressage Queen is dead?

    %26gt;She's still stiff as a board, but her horse looks happy.


    %26gt;___________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________



    %26gt;A Dressage Judge, a Scribe, a Dressage Clinician and a well-


    %26gt;Classical Dressage Rider are walking down the street. A 100 dollar


    %26gt;blows across in front of them. Who gets it?


    %26gt;The Scribe, because:


    %26gt;1. The Dressage Judge doesn't know what's going on without

    asking the



    %26gt;2. The Dressage Clinician isn't going anywhere for only 100



    %26gt;3. And of course, there's no such thing as well-respected


    %26gt;Dressage Rider.


    %26gt;___________ _________ _________ _________ ______--


    %26gt;Dear Abby,


    %26gt;I think my wife is cheating on me. I am a dressage rider and I


    %26gt;nearly every weekend going to shows and clinics. My problem started

    %26gt;when my wife accused me of caring more about the horses than I did

    %26gt;about her. I assured her that this was absolutely not true. But,


    %26gt;since then, strange things have been happening at home.


    %26gt;For example, when my wife's cell phone rings, she grabs it and runs


    %26gt;of the house to answer it. One time, I picked up the extension on


    %26gt;house phone and I heard her say, %26quot;I'll call you back later,%26quot; and


    %26gt;she hung up. Sometimes, she goes out with friends and comes home


    %26gt;late but they drop her off at our neighbor's farm and she walks


    %26gt;Recently, a friend of ours mentioned that she had seen my wife


    %26gt;dinner with a strange man at a restaurant in another town. She said


    %26gt;wife introduced the man as my %26quot;brother.%26quot; Since I am German and the

    %26gt;gentleman was of African decent with a British accent, our friend

    %26gt;wanted to know which one of us was adopted.


    %26gt;And that brings me to my problem. I would really appreciate your


    %26gt;Last nigh, I came home late from a clinic and I noticed that the


    %26gt;lights were on. I walked over there to check on it and, when I came

    %26gt;down the aisle way, I could hear my wife's voice and a man's voice

    %26gt;whispering in one of the empty stalls. As I tiptoed closer to the

    %26gt;stall, I noticed that the horse in the stall next to them was


    %26gt;its tail against the edge of the feed bucket. Dear Abby, please help

    %26gt;me. Do you think my horse has an infection or parasites? And if so,


    %26gt;it something I can treat myself or should I call the vet?


    %26gt;Very concerned,

    %26gt;The Dressage Rider
    Dressage Jokes?
    Kind of offended. So, your attempt at not offending people did not work. Personally, I find any joke degrading to any horse discipline, religion, race, nationality, hair color or anything else to be offensive.
    Dressage Jokes?
    Mort du rire......You nailed it
    I kinda agree with Ajierene.... but this was pretty fuuny.
    XD I'm rofling, i gotta give this to my English teacher (he LOVES horses)!!!!!!!!
    I know a few funny sayings about the sport, most of which I remember from a shirt that someone I knew once wore in a lesson.One of my favorites is %26quot;Dressage riders paux de deux it!%26quot; or how about %26quot; The dog ate my score sheet%26quot; and %26quot;My horse thinks umbrellas are the equine version of Dracula!%26quot; There are a lot of others on that list, far too many for me to remember here.
    yeah thats funny!
    I just got home from my weekly dressage lesson, and I thought that was great. THANKS for a good giggle!
    OMG SO FUNNY!!!!! THAT IS SO TRUE!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA lol

    Reindeer jokes?

    What do reindeer hang on their Christmas trees?


    How can Santa's sleigh possibly fly through the air?

    You would too if you were pulled by flying reindeer!

    What would a reindeer do if it lost its tail?

    She’d go to a “re-tail”shop for a new one!

    Why is Prancer always wet?

    Because he’s a “rain”-deer!

    Why does Scrooge love all of the reindeer?

    Because every buck is dear to him!

    Which of Santa's reindeer has bad manners?


    What do you call a reindeer wearing ear muffs?

    Anything you want because he can’t hear you!

    What do reindeer always say before telling you a joke?

    This one will “sleigh” you!

    How does Rudolph know when Christmas is coming?

    He looks at his calen-“deer”!

    What do you give a reindeer with an upset tummy?


    How do you get into Donner's house?

    You ring the “deer”-bell!

    What's red and white and gives presents to gazelles?


    How many reindeer does it take to change a light bulb?

    Eight! One to screw in the light bulb and seven to hold Rudolph down!

    Did Rudolph go to a regular school?

    No, he was “elf”-taught!

    Why did Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer cross the road?

    Because he was tied to a chicken!

    Why do reindeer wear fur coats?

    Because they look silly in snowsuits!
    Reindeer jokes?
    What does Santa say when Mrs. Claus asks for the weather forecast?

    %26quot;Rain, dear.%26quot;
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  • Reindeer Jokes..............?

    What do reindeer hang on their Christmas trees?


    What would a reindeer do if it lost its tail?

    go to a re-tail shop for a new one!

    Why is Prancer always wet?

    Because hes a rain deer!

    Which of Santa's reindeer has bad manners?


    What do you call a reindeer wearing ear muffs?

    Anything you want because he cant hear you!

    What do reindeer always say before telling you a joke?

    This one will sleigh you!

    How does Rudolph know when Christmas is coming?

    He looks at his calen-deer

    How many reindeer does it take to change a light bulb?

    Eight! One to screw in the light bulb and seven to hold Rudolph down!
    Reindeer Jokes..............?
    LOL. Great way to cheer me up.

    thanks for the laugh.
    Reindeer Jokes..............?

    Those were pretty cute.
    a little childless!!

    2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee - Tail lights go off when Headlights go on?

    Last Tuesday, the brake light would not work on driver's side when braking (would go totally out) and headlights were on. Now as of Saturday, both taillights have gone out completely when the headlights are turned on (whether braking or not)! Have had the bulbs changed out %26amp; fuses checked. Was thinking of buying some sockets from the dealership (not sure how to change out however) and see if this might remedy the problem or does this sound like a bigger issue? If so, would this be something better handled by a dealership (warranty is out but I realize these may be dealer parts) or an individual shop? Thanks for any help you can give!!
    2000 Jeep Grand Cherokee - Tail lights go off when Headlights go on?
    Check the ground wires

    What causes Carburetor motorcycle engine to backfire on start-up?

    Bike: 2007 Hyosung GT650R (Stock, still original parts except normal service replacements oil and filter and adjustments)

    My bike has backfired on me three times now since its last service in Sept. twice in october 2 weeks apart and just last week. I have not taken it back to the mechanic yet as it鈥檚 not happening all the time, and I'd like to give some direction on the problem.

    The engine is a 90 degree V-twin, with Carburetors. The mechanic adjusted the fuel mixture since he said the bike was running lean. Don't know if that's relevant or not. Prior to the last service, the bike never backfired. each time, it occurred during stat-up. either just as i press the starter button, or it cranked once and then backfired.

    I looked on the internet, and other people have had similar comments, but they say it's normal or not a big deal. Needless to say, when my bike goes bang like a gun, it concerns me greatly. Other people didn't mention having this happen, but the tail light bulb was broken twice from the shock.

    The weather was not cold (not below 30 F) but wasn鈥檛 really warm either (not above 50 F). Always start the bike with at least 戮 choke, and in neutral.

    So basically, any idea what the cause could be, and recommend how to fix it (beside sell it)?

    Also, don鈥檛 know if this is related or not. There is a hose between the rear shock and kickstand that I noticed has a liquid dripping slowly out during idling. Revving does not change the rate of drip. But it smells like gasoline. Don鈥檛 know where the hose originates yet. But if this helps of you know what this hose it, please let me know.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    What causes Carburetor motorcycle engine to backfire on start-up?
    Mine will backfire if I give it too much choke. Try a little less choke, increasing as you start if needed.

    Could be the timing, also.

    The hose dripping liquid that smells like gas most likely is an overflow from the carburetor. Probably a float needle not seating properly. Very well could have happened if the mechanic was in the float bowl of the carb. Would also contribute to an over rich condition, flooding carb, possibly the cause of your backfire.
    What causes Carburetor motorcycle engine to backfire on start-up?
    backfire usually indicate fuel mixture being incorrect. you stated the bike shop adjusted the carbs then = backfire. have them readjust the carbs since you paid for good service not a backfire services..hehehe.

    those hoses you see are overflow for carbs. any unused fuel get dump out using those hoses.
    Too much advance on timing and excessively rich fuel mixture. Or too tightly adjusted exhaust valve (most likely not on a new bike), causes excess intake reversion and back fires. Rev it quickly and see if you get a black cloud (rich).

    Bought a 2nd hand LML NV-Spl (150 cc vespa).........Need Advice Please?

    Hi all,

    this is Sami from Bangladesh. I am a two wheeler fan (mainly motorcycles...have 1, will buy more soon) and bought a LmL NV last month. initially it was just to collect. however, the scooter is serving me in many ways lately. its a second hand one and its a 1987 model. 20 years of age !!

    1st let me share the condition of my scooter.

    %26gt;well its 20 year old

    %26gt;none of the indicator lights or horn work. none of the switches work. The head light and the tail light have direct connection. Its kind of funny... when I go out at night, I pop a male-port in a female-port ( created by a claver mechanic).. Then both the head and tail light blows up...............!! however, the headlight is poor (any suggestions ?)

    %26gt;the front breaks didn鈥檛 use to work. (Got it corrected last week).

    Now there are few things I would like to share:

    1. The scooter has amazing pickup. its really good.... even after 20 yrs

    2. Its a fuel hungry machine.....(too bad) my one goes only 25-30/ liter.

    3. The scooter is not very well balanced. the right side is far more heavier than the left side and the scooter tends to shift to right side of the road if you do not have previous experience. (Probably scooters that have engine on one side are less balanced).

    4. If I apply-break to the front wheels while running, the scooter tends to shift right...!! Got no idea why. (Please suggest if you can)

    5. i went up to 80kmph with this was so great. BUT wait...suddenly the engine sized at 80kmph speed!!! My rear wheels skidded badly... however, I clutched just at the right time... the rear wheel got freed up form the engine and slowly came to a halt. then I tried to start the did start, but couldn鈥檛 go far..... It stopped again. I went to a workshop. There they said that my Fuel-Oil (2 stroke) mixture was not proper. I used too little oil while taking fuel and the piston almost seized.

    I was lucky that time. The mechanic poured 2stroke oil directly in to the carburetor while running the engine high.

    However, here in Bangladesh no one could tell me the right ration on fuel oil mixture.........( scooters are not at all popular here. 95% of the 2 wheelers are bikez)....Please advice if u can.

    That鈥檚 all about my scooter...

    But I need your help...........please advice me on a few things...

    1. How can i make my scooter more fuel efficient ? (piston change ? carburetor change ?)

    2. I am planning to install horns and indicator light. my mechanic told me he can do it without a battery or rectifier by a direct connection.... (should i take his advice ? dose LmL NV (ks) normally have battery ?

    3. What is the oil-fuel mix ratio ? please provide a reasonable measurement.

    4. How do I improve the head-light quality? Bulb change?

    5. Is there any way to improve balance ? (My one doesn鈥檛 have the spare wheels. is it affecting?)

    6. It takes a lot of energy to start the scooter in the morning.. 15-20 kicks. This is really painful. Please advice what can i do to get rid of this problem.....any simply solution?

    7. Please provide ANY additional tips and info.............

    *had to type fast. Pleases forgive the spelling errors..............

    You can send your answers to


    I am eagerly waiting for your advice and help.

    Thank You.
    Bought a 2nd hand LML NV-Spl (150 cc vespa).........Need Advice Please?
    Your problems appears to be big but just to tell u that these kinda problems are very common in LML NV Spl. I would try to give the answers to your questions accordingly.

    1) To make your scooter more fuel efficient u must need to change the carb with a brand new one as u bought a scooter which is 20 yrs old and people in India and Bangladesh never even think to change the carbs. So the carb which u have in your scooter must be 20 yrs old. Also check the piston and ring of the scooter with a good mechanic as it might be possible that the scooter has never been overhauled in last 20 yrs. If needed change both of them. Ask the mechanic to check the fuel tank also and if needed asked him to clean the tank internally.

    2) This 20 yrs old scooter never had a batter ever, so there is no need to put a battery. Yur mechanic is right as he said that he can make all the lights and horn work without a battery. Go with the advice of your mechanic and if possible ask him to change the whole wiring of the electricals in your scooter with a new one. It will work perfectly.

    3) The oil-fuel mix ratio should be 100:2, It means that if u r taking 1 ltr of petrol then 2% of that should be the 2T. So in 1 ltr the 2T should be 20-25 ml, not more than that otherwise your scooter will start emitting white smoke.

    4) U can try using the halogen bulb available for the new LML's however its not recommended as u must need an alternator to enhance the power for it. The best option would be to use a new regular bulb and changing the headlamp's reflector and the glass with a new one. It should work perfectly and the light's intensity can be doubled doing this.

    5) If u dont have a spare wheel then try to get a new one installed there. It will surely help to maintain the balance greatly. Also, do check the rear wheel's rim for any malfunction. If it is bended or has any cracks on it then change it immediately with a new one. Also do check both of the tires. If they are old ones with no treads on them then do change them also.

    6) Try using choke always after changing the carburettor. It should not take that many kicks to start. Also u can try tilting your scooter a bit on the right side for 15-20 seconds after opening the fuel. Then try to start it, it will start in 2 kicks for sure. This process can sound funny to many people but its a big reality for all the LML scooters. By doing this a rich mixture of fuel and air will go in the piston. Finally, check the spark plug and change it with a new one if u have'nt changed it after buying the scooter.

    At last I would like to say that never try to apply front brakes directly while riding your scooter at high speeds. It will never work perfectly and the scooter can easily skid. Always apply the rear brakes first then if needed, apply the front brakes. It will provide u a better stopping st high speeds and the scooter will maintain the straight line.

    One more suggestion for u...Ask your mechanic to check the rear and front shockers and if needed then change them with a new pair as they must be 20 years old now. It will not cost u much as the shockers come real cheap.

    Remember that the scooter u have purchased is the sturdiest scooter ever made in India by LML after Lambretta. It will serve u 20 more years beutifully if u take just little care of it. Do not try to push this scooter to its limits. Handle it with ease and try to enjoy the ride....

    My tail lights keep going out. why do they keep burning out?

    I have an acura and i keep having to buy new bulbs. I changed one, then the other went out, so i decided to change them both, then a few months later, they went out again, both at the same time. why do they keep going out? how should i fix it, or do i just need to keep buying more bulbs every few months....
    My tail lights keep going out. why do they keep burning out?
    Be glad you are at least getting a few months wear before they burn out. My Chevy Camaro was eating bulbs daily last spring.

    My husband never did learn what was causing it. He suspected a broken wire causing a short but couldn't find it. Tracing an electrical wiring problem is right up there with searching for a needle in a haystack.

    Here are some of the things we tried. Maybe one of them will help you.

    1. Check the brand bulb you are using. If it happens most often with one brand over another, stick with the brand with the longest lifespan.

    2. Check the light sockets. Are they clean? Do they have any loose wires connecting them to the wire to the battery?

    3. Get a wiring diagram (Haynes Repair Manuals and some Chiltons have them. Check for the diagrams before you check out the book from the library or buy it at the parts house.) Trace the lighting wires back to their source and check every section for breaks.

    4. Does weather affect the light going out? Do they go out after a rain or when it's really wet? There may be water splashing or dripping somewhere that's causing a short.

    5. If none of these apply, look for patterns (like the rain or the brand of bulb) that might be related to the problem. Experiment with changing that variable to see if it makes a difference.

    Good luck.
    My tail lights keep going out. why do they keep burning out?
    Believe it or not, it is VERY common for bulbs to burn out close in time if they were replaced at the same time. The reason is that quality control for bulbs of all types(auto or home) is very good at the manufacturing level. There are also some other factors that COULD be affecting your situation.

    On any car the electrical system CAN be the hardest to diagnose unless you have a lot of training or are just lucky.

    Have a trained pro look at your system.
    The main reason: Brands of light bulb used, do not use the Chinese crap.

    Shorts in the electric circuit do not blow bulbs - they blow fuses -

    The only way to blow a bulb is to put more volts than what is designed for.
    Have the voltage output of you alternator checked with it on the car and running. If the voltage is high bulb life will be shortened considerably. Leaks in the tail lights letting water enter is a common problem. Not from shorting but sudden temp change when the water hits the hot glass.

    A short will not cause this problem even though others have mentioned that.

    Always use name brand quality bulbs, avoid fingerprints on the glass and get LL (long life) bulbs. Make sure the bulb number you are using is correct. Many bulbs look similar and fit the socket yet are incorrect.
    The only reason they would burn out so quickly is that there's a short circuit in your electrical system somewhere.

    Tracing shorts is hard, and for someone to do it it's pricey. If you're good with electricity and electronics, you might be able to find the problem, otherwise, you're going to go through a lot of light bulbs.
    could be that you are using a higher voltage bulb than your fuse can handle and it is causing you to blow your lights so to speak, double check your bulbs, and try changing the fuse out. The simple things are usually the problem on something like that and its pretty cheap to fix as well. Also make sure that you have no cracks and a good seal at the taillights, water (rain, etc..) can really have an effect on that as well. After all that, then its time to check your wiring, for corrosion, rust, broken, etc...
    Try driving an American car!
    It may be because your car is lowered to the point where it shocks the bulbs excessively, or perhaps your boombox in the trunk is causing too much vibration than the bulb can handle. The long life bulbs could be the answer in these scenarios.

    Shorts don't blow out bulbs. Check the grounds back there at the taillamps. A loose ground(a long) could cause them to appear as if they burned out and also make them act strange when you step on the brake at night.
    sounds like water is getting in the lenses, or a coroded wire.
    try adding an extra ground wire from your metal part of the light frame to the body of the car, poor grounds make a puzzling problem
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  • How do I remove the tail light from a 2004 Cavalier?

    I own a 2004 Chevy Cavalier and I need to replace the rear Driver side turn light, but for some reason I am unable to get the bulb loose. Any ideas as to how I can get the bulb loose so I can change the bulb without any damage occuring?
    How do I remove the tail light from a 2004 Cavalier?
    pull out the socket and twist the bulb out, if it won't come out apparently it has gotten water in there and rusted and if you can't get it out you will have to clip the wires off and get a new socket at the dealer or junk yard.
    How do I remove the tail light from a 2004 Cavalier? have to pull the lamp assembly out 3 10mm nuts..for some reason they didnt leave enough room to twist the socket out

    3 series bmw all tail lights out how to fix?

    My right tail light has been out for 2 years, changed the bulbs and even got new lights. However, the right light was still out had it fixed with new wire, worked fine. Turned the check engine light off and now none of the tail lights work at all, its not the fuse and and there is no power connecting to the break lights. Please help!!!!! Can not pass inspection or legally drive now :(
    3 series bmw all tail lights out how to fix?
    Bad headlight switch if the wiiring isn't broke.

    How do I use a multimeter tester to find a problem with my brake lights?

    My tail lights work and when i hit the brakes the samb bulb should light up brigher. When i hit the brake they dont light up brighter. I changed the bulbs and I still dont seem to get rid of my problem. Somone told me to use a multimeter tester to solve my problem. What do i have to do with it to solve it?
    How do I use a multimeter tester to find a problem with my brake lights?
    First check your brake light fuse!

    The black wire should be grounded,have someone depress the brake pedal.with the tail light bulb out of socket, test both contact inside the socket.if you have your park light on ,both contacts should be energized.if only one works then you have to decide which one by eliminating the tail lights.


    Thursday, 15 September 2011

    Reindeer Jokes..............?

    What do reindeer hang on their Christmas trees?


    What would a reindeer do if it lost its tail?

    go to a re-tail shop for a new one!

    Why is Prancer always wet?

    Because hes a rain deer!

    Which of Santa's reindeer has bad manners?


    What do you call a reindeer wearing ear muffs?

    Anything you want because he cant hear you!

    What do reindeer always say before telling you a joke?

    This one will sleigh you!

    How does Rudolph know when Christmas is coming?

    He looks at his calen-deer

    How many reindeer does it take to change a light bulb?

    Eight! One to screw in the light bulb and seven to hold Rudolph down!
    Reindeer Jokes..............?
    LOL. Great way to cheer me up.

    thanks for the laugh.
    Reindeer Jokes..............?

    Those were pretty cute.
    a little childless!!

    1986 Cutlass Supreme how can get my brake lights and back blinkers to work?

    I changed the fuses, changed all the bulbs, and I changed both flasher turn signal switches. Now the front blinkers work, the front hazards work, and in the back ONLY the tail lights work. Please help asap. Thanks.
    1986 Cutlass Supreme how can get my brake lights and back blinkers to work?
    it could be the wiring or the sockets in which the bulbs sit in.

    For those who know about cars, Brake Light Problem, 1995 Nissan Sentra?

    Ok, here's the problem. I have a 1995 Nissan Sentra. When I turn on the lights, all the lights turn on as they should. I have a problem with my brake lights and/or tail lights and I would like to know how to repair it. When I press on the brake, my right brake light turns on like it should while my left tail light/brake light turns completely off. Once I release the brake, both tail lights stay on as they should. So basically whenever I press down on the brake the two lights in the rear left side both turn off. I have tried the most basic thing I could think of, switching the bulbs and it didn't change anything. Someone with a little bit of car knowledge please let me know what's going on.
    For those who know about cars, Brake Light Problem, 1995 Nissan Sentra?
    you have two filaments in those bulbs. one set is for running lights, the other is for brake lights.

    obviously your right side lights are working 100%, left side, only the running lights are working.

    bulbs are eliminated as you changed new ones in...and hopefully tested your old bulbs in the right hand side to confirm they do indeed light up...and as a result there is not a short in the system instantly blowing your brake filaments out on that side.

    after you do confirm that.

    check your fuses to make sure you dont have separate fuses for left side brake lights and right side brake lights. if you dont, then you might want to check/replace your hazard light relay as the hazards use the high intensity brake lights...not the running lights to signal with.

    after this I would think about swapping the brake light switch that is mounted up on the brake pedal under the dash.

    after all this, you might want to see if a connector going to that brake assembly is unhooked or loose or corroded or has a burned out connection. you'll want to open the connectors and check inside them. sometimes simply unplugging the connector and plugging it back in will break the corrosion and give you good contact.

    after that, I'd start checking grounds.

    Chevy aveo 2005 headlight question!?

    hello there!, i saw on tv a commercial for these headlights, they are mind to shine 30% further or something like that, i cant remember the name of them, if anyone could tell me id be grateful! Also i have a chevy aveo that my wife uses to get to work and back, i want to change them so she is safer driving with them. Especially this time of year, problem is im not a mechanic, does any mechanic or chevy owner tell me how to change the headlight bulbs, and if you can just out of curiousity, tell me how to change the tail lights too? Thanks!!
    Chevy aveo 2005 headlight question!?
    You might consider that installing brighter bulbs is going to temporarily blind the oncoming drivers at select times,possibly causing a head on crash.I say this because I work in a body shop and have seen it happen.The manufacturers install the best bulbs that are practical to use under all conditions.

    Chevy aveo healdight question!?

    heloo there!, i saw on tv a commercial for these headlights, they are mind to shine 30% further or something like that, i cant remember the name of them, if anyone could tell me id be grateful! Also i have a chevy aveo that my wife uses to get to work and back, i want to change them so she is safer driving with them. Especially this time of year, problem is im not a mechanic, does any mechanic or chevy owner tell me how to change the headlight bulbs, and if you can just out of curiousity, tell me how to change the tail lights too? Thanks!!
    Chevy aveo healdight question!?
    You prob. seen an advertisement for silverstar headlights but a company named nikon makes a headlight that is brighter than the silverstars and actually about 10 dollars less in cost you can get them through your local autozone and they have to be special ordered
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  • How much does it Cost to get break lights and blinker lights rewired?

    The back left blinker and tail light does not work on my 1993 dodge caravan...i took it to a mechanic to see what was wrong with it (as changing of the bulbs didn't work) and he said it needs to be rewired and to take it to a dealership..

    any one have a rough estimate of how much it may cost?
    How much does it Cost to get break lights and blinker lights rewired?
    between $100-$150 on average
    How much does it Cost to get break lights and blinker lights rewired?
    it should be 1-2 hours approximately 50-100 dollars.
    your mechanic, is not a mechanic

    the relay flasher under your dash is not working.

    check if you have any other lite bulb burned.

    You may go to the guys in Auto Zone and let them know Your problem. they see the same every day. so they know it well

    How do I mend the right side brake light on my 2003 Ford Focus?

    The tail lights work on both sides, but the right side brake light doesn't work. I've tried replacing the bulb, but that doesn't work. In fact, putting a new bulb in causes the tail light to stop working too. I put the old bulb back in and the tail light works again. Both the old and new bulbs are the same. Same part number, same voltage, same wattage.

    I've checked the relevant fuse, and that's fine. I've replaced it just in case and no change.

    Very confused as to why the new bulb stops the tail light working! Please help if you can.
    How do I mend the right side brake light on my 2003 Ford Focus?
    Sounds like a dead earth problem, they are common of fords across the full range of cars. The connectors used to wire the lights are not very good and any moisture that enters the connector block will cause corrosion and dead shorts.

    What you need to do is remove the connectors, clean the male parts with sand paper. The female half's need to be checked to make sure they are making a good connection and are not bent out of alignment.

    How do I mend the right side brake light on my 2003 Ford Focus?
    might have a bad bulb it does happen we bought a new battery and it had to be charged you bet it was taken back this time of year a lot of the stores are set to sale defaults just so you will take it back and buy more.
    sounds like an earth fault locate the earth connection and clean with some emery paper or run a new earth wire from a the nearest bolt to the light
    brake lights are 1157 bulbs, tail lights are 1156 bulbs. could be a bad ground wire or bad socket.
    Check that you have the correct bulb again.

    It should have two filaments in it and two lead contact points on its base.

    If you have a single filament bulb then brake and tail light will not work.
    try viking's idea mate sounds like u've got a short i.e bad earth, if ur not sure where ur earths are get a Haynes manual
    the metal case of the holder is part of the circuit...see if it not pushing the bulb when in place..try a spray of wd....not being funny but you did put the new bulb in the right way...the spigots each side are set at different it would be hard...but you never know....
    replace bulb.

    99 chevy cavalier tail lights..?

    so this is my problem .. i have a 99 z24 chevy cavalier and my tail lights are out. every time i change the fuse, the lights work for like 30 seconds and then blow the fuse out. i don't know what the problem is. any ideas on how to fix it? also, for some odd reason, i constantly have to change my bulbs for my turn signals cause they burn out. have any idea why this happens? any help would be greatly appreciated!
    99 chevy cavalier tail lights..?
    you have a dead short somewhere, if you have not changed the brake light switch, which is under the dash behind the brake pedal, (looks like a little push button, buy one they are pretty cheap, if you are still blowing fuses and bulbs after this, there is nothing left you can do, it needs to go to an auto electric shop, they have some specialty tools that test the system and pinpoint the location of a dead short Im hoping your switch shorted out, Are you having any other electrical problems, like say a bad headlight switch, or problems in the turn signals? or even in the ignition itself, like loose or worn or sloppy movement, this could all be related believe it or not.
    99 chevy cavalier tail lights..?
    for ur tail lights i would check ur brake switch its on ur brake pedal mybe burnt up the connecter and you may have bad wires going back to turn single bulbs
    Sounds like you have a short someplace. I would take the car to an auto electric shop as they have the tools to find it.
    Could be a few reasons.

    1. Check to make sure no moisture is getting into the Lamp assemblies.

    2. Check all cables you can visually see for wear and exposed wires. This can ground out your taillights and cause you to blow fuses.

    3. Have you checked your battery terminals, ground to body cables to make sure your getting a good connection.

    You should be able to buy new sockets for your 99 cav at GM. If you can do basic wiring then it shouldn't be a problem. Check the sockets for corrosion and signs of wear. If they are badly corroded then replace.

    Hope this helps ....definitely a grounding problem start there. ;)

    How do I fix the brake light on my '98 Stratus?

    To give the history here... I learned my right tail light (inner brake light) was out. I checked the number of bulb I needed, bought it, and replaced it. Nothing: the light is still out. I messed around with it a little, switched the bulb for the brake light with the one for the turn signal (it had a different number on it; I wondered if the parts book gave me the wrong number), but still no tail light. And now no turn signal either! Frustrating.

    Anyone have any ideas? I'm thinking it might be the circuit board; when I was changing the bulb in the first place, it looked like no one had touched the tail light assembly in eons - the access to the bulb wouldn't turn, and I had to use a screwdriver to pry it loose. And I had to do the same thing with the turn signal bulb. So maybe I bollixed up the circuit board? The other two lights in the assembly work (the outer brake light and the backup light).

    Two questions here, really:

    1 - Is the circuit board the most likely culprit. or if not what is?

    2 - How difficult is it to change the circuit board myself? (Or to do whatever repair is necessary?)

    Thank you!
    How do I fix the brake light on my '98 Stratus?
    Check the fuse first (the left and right stop lights are on different fuses for safety reasons).

    Replace the bulbs as they were before - being different, the contacts do not mate.

    1 - I hope not - even if it cracked, the conductor part, being thin and flexible, usually resists some time.

    2 - depends on the car and your experience. Before doing it, check the board circuitry for continuity. It is usually fixed with self-tapping screws or similar fasteners to the body - apart the access, shouldn't be too difficult.

    3 - before assembling everything, a drop or two of WD40 on socket contact may help. And don't touch the bulbs with bare hands, they last longer.

    4 - while you're at it, check the ground connection, clean and WD40 as necessary.

    With a bit of luck (and skinned knuckles) you might do it.
    How do I fix the brake light on my '98 Stratus?
    I'm thinking now you might have burnt something out when you switch a brake light with a signal light of a different number.

    Signal lights, usually have two filaments and two connector buttons on the bottom.

    Brake lights usually have one filament and one connector button.

    When you interchanged them you shorted something out and hopefully you only blew the fuse.

    Should have someone who knows what they are doing look at it.

    2000 Mercury Mountaineer?

    How do i get to the Tail Lights, to change the bulb on the Merccury Mountaineer

    2000 Mercury Mountaineer?
    you will have to take off the panel inside your car to see the bolts holding the light in place

    How do i remove the passenger?

    rear light cluster on a mk 6 fiesta? to change a stop/tail bulb. on usual cars the lenses come off to change the bulbs. ( no handbook)
    How do i remove the passenger?
    Open the tailgate and look down the side of the light. You should see two screws which you need to remove. On the outside of the light where it meets the quarter panel are two push in clips. You will need something wide and flat for the next bit. About three inches down from the top, lever the light away from the car backwards. It should pop out. Now do the same at the bottom of the light about three inches up. Hey presto the light should now be free. Take the back off and do your bulbs. Just be a bit careful as it is possible to break the lense. You now owe me a fiver which i will expect by return post.
    How do i remove the passenger?
    You do not have to take the lens cover off to change any of the bulbs in the rear light cluster. You replace the bulbs by taking the cover off the rear of the cluster, which should be easily accessible when you open the tailgate.
    May I suggest using your supersonic screw driver thingy! maybe you unscrew the unit from inside the car! My 928 lights are accessible in this manner! I'm sure I've seen you before? Which doctor?
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  • How do I change my ex's tail lights to an Si set?

    I have a 96 civic ex coupe, I've seen the Si tail lights and i really like them, the red top and white bottom seem so clean, I want to get a set and install them, but i have a question or two.

    How do i arrange the bulbs? can i just change the amber turn signal light with a red one and stick it in the top half?

    And do the si tail lights have a smiliar layout to the ex? will the current bulbs that i have (except the amber turning light) fit into the Si light's sockets?
    How do I change my ex's tail lights to an Si set?
    the Si tail lights bolt up and the bulbs are in the same place as your current lights. i agree, the Si tail lights look WAY better then the EX tails. you want to keep your amber bulbs, that keeps you legal.

    Anyone know how to change a front headlight on a mitsubishi outlander? 2004?

    I used to own a 2000 Mitsu Eclipse and changed the tail lights by myself. The headlight on my outlander went out Christmas Eve and when I called Mitsubishi to quote a replacement, they said $545 ! YIKES! Not if I can do it myself....I found the part for $8.99 at a local auto parts store, but I am concerned that I may have to remove the bumper or something to get to the bulb - which would be why mitsu would charge so much to change it themselves.
    Anyone know how to change a front headlight on a mitsubishi outlander? 2004?
    Your dealer has quoted for a complete light assembly. It sounds like you need to ask for a quote on the bulb only. If the light has failed, and the car is only 2 years old, your warranty will cover it. If the light has been damaged by road debris, your insurer should cover the cost
    Anyone know how to change a front headlight on a mitsubishi outlander? 2004?
    ring 01264 350310, they will know the answer, its a mitsu dealer in andover and they are very helpful, they open at nine am!
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  • How to replace wiring for a tail light.?

    I own a 2001 Ford Escort and the rear left blinker/brake light does not work. It's not at the blinker switch and it's not at the bulb connector. So it must be a short in the wiring. Is this something I can change myself? If any one knows how to replace the wiring for a tail light in any kind of car, just give me a rough description of how to do it.

    How to replace wiring for a tail light.?
    try the flasher unit or a possible fuse 1st - more likely than the wiring, unless the wires got damaged or rusted

    Audi A4 1996 Tail Lights??

    This sounds like a stupid question but I can't figure out how to change my Tail Light on my 1996 Audi A4. I can pull the %26quot;Lighting Cluster%26quot; off but that only gives me access to the Brake, Blinker, Reverse and Fog Light. there are two wires going from the Cluster to the light assembly that goes to the Tail Light. The only problem is you can't get to the light from the backside and I can't pull the Tail light / assembly out the little hole it is stuck in. I took the whole Light assembly out but the light assembly can't be seperated from the back part of it which is plastic and has some kind of Adhesive sealing the two. Any Ideas on how to change the Bulb? Its very frustrated because I have a %26quot;Haynes Manual%26quot; and the Owners manual and it doesn't show these tail lights it shows the Brake and Tail light as the same bulb. HELP ME PLEASE!!!! My inspection is coming up!!!!!
    Audi A4 1996 Tail Lights??
    Please take it to a dealer. That tail light assembly is sealed except for the ports through which the bulbs enter. If you are not able to get to the tail light, a professional needs to take a look at it.

    I wish I had better information, but it should not be a so difficult to extract the tail light bulb.

    Good Luck.
    Audi A4 1996 Tail Lights??
    For the life of me I could not figure out why you could not extract the tail light bulb. This makes sense now. Thanks for the explanation.

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    It is usual for the brake and tail light to be the one bulb if you look you will see it has two elements in the bulb
    if you can take out the brake light, it IS the same as the tail light. the bulb has 2 filaments in it. one comes on with the lights, the other comes on with the brakes. the socket with the bulb should do a quarter turn and come out of the assembly, or if i remember, it may have a back piece that comes off the back of the assembly. if needbe, you can take it to your local autoparts store (advance or autozone) and see if they can help you out
    The brake light bulb is a twin filament bulb.

    Rear break/signal light bulb on 95 Corolla?

    I have to change a rear break light on my 95 Corolla and am having dificulty getting the rear tail light assembly off to get at the bulb. I have taken off the 2 screws from the outside, and the one nut on the bolt from the inside of the trunk, but there are 2 clips on the side portion protruding into the trunk which I can't figure out how to remove. Any ideas?
    Rear break/signal light bulb on 95 Corolla?
    you should not need to remove the assembly. open the trunk and pull the cover away from the lamp assembly area. You will see the bulb housings. Twist and pull the housing for the failed bulb and replace the bulb. reverse the procedure and your done
    Rear break/signal light bulb on 95 Corolla?
    Doesn't the bulb holder just unscrew a little and pull out of the housing from inside the trunk?
    you should be able to slide the tail light out sideways away from the middle of the car. make sure the lens moves a little first some cars the tail lights are glude in with a rubber compond to seal them.
    My Idea..........Look in the manual - it'll tell you in there how to do it.

    How to change a tail light on a 1990 chevy Caviler?

    Hey YA. I just got pulled over for having my tail lights out on my 1990 chevy caviler. Well I went to NAPA and got the bulbs but I am not 100 percent sure how to get them in. Any advice would be helpful. Nothing stupid like %26quot;have your dad help you%26quot; or any of that ****.

    Thanks guys and gals! :D 10pts for whoever can help me get them in! :D
    How to change a tail light on a 1990 chevy Caviler?
    There are 3 or 4 studs going through the panel where the tail lights are mounted that hold them in place, usually secured with big plastic wing-nuts. You may have to move some carpeting or a plastic panel out of the way to get that far.鈥?/a>

    %26quot;Depending upon vehicle application, remove the lamp socket either by rotating it counterclockwise (approximately 1 / 4 turn) until the plastic tabs disengage, or by squeezing the metal tangs while pulling the socket from the light assembly.

    Remove the bulb from the socket using the appropriate method. Bulbs with blade-type bases pull straight out, while those with round bases and protruding pins (bayonet-type bulbs) must be depressed, then rotated counterclockwise (approximately 1 / 8 turn) before pulling out.%26quot;

    I'm thinking that on your model year, for a turn signal/brake bulb, to remove the socket would be the first method of the 2, and to remove the bulb would be the latter of the 2 methods.

    Re; Additional Details

    First, put some good tough gloves on, so you don't jab yourself. Then take a pointy-tipped needle-nosed pliers, jam it into the bottom and push it down in, and twist counterclockwise. Holding the pliers so that the tips are spreading out can help too. If worse comes to worse, go to the auto parts store and look in the %26quot;HELP!%26quot; section for a new socket.
    How to change a tail light on a 1990 chevy Caviler?
    You'll have to open the trunk to gain access. I would do both of them while I was at it because it seems like when one goes out, the other goes out one month later.
    open your trunk, you may have to move the carpet directly behind the lights. there should be four screws sticking out. unscrew all of them and carefully pull out the lens and housing. the bulbs should pull straight out, but you may have to wiggle them a bit. when you go to replace the lenses, be very careful not to overtighten the screws because you can damage the rubber seals.
    Open the trunk.On the back panel,maybe behind the carpet trim.You'll see some black wing nuts.Remove those wing nuts and pull out the whole tail light assembly.Once you have it out you'll see where the wires go to.Twist and pull out to remove bulb.

    Saturday, 4 June 2011

    How do I change the tail lights in a 93 taurus?

    My tail light is out, and I cant seem to access the bulbs. Any help would be appreciated. Oh, and I called some auto places, not too many out there know!|||Open the trunk then remove the trim panels in front of the lights. remove the nuts (about 8 of them) pull the whole assembly out the back and you will see where the bulbs are. Change the bulb and check to make sure it works befor you reassemble. Easy to do and shouldn%26#039;t take more than 15 minutes.|||Okay when I need to get a light changed I take it to my auto mechanic that I use for all repairs on my vehicle when it is out of warranty. He then changes the bulb for me and shows me how to do it so that I can do it myself at a later time.|||Go to Pep Boys and get a Chilton%26#039;s Repair Manual. It will give you step by step instructions with pictures

    2001 volkswagen new beetle need to know how to change a rear tail light?

    i have looked in the owners manual and all it said was to take it a volkswagen dealer and the closest one is over 3 hours away i have the right bulb but i can figure out how to get to the old one to replace it?!?!?!?!|||INSIDE THE HATCH THERE IS AN OVAL ACCESS PANEL







    96 Mustang tail lights?

    Does anyone know how to change the tail light bulb in a 96 Mustang?|||This is a really crappy design by Ford for a should be easy job.

    Remove the trunk lining by the light, just peel it back far enough to work.

    You%26#039;ll see 4 or 5 nuts on studs. Remove the nuts.

    The light will now drop out of the metal housing.

    Replace bulb like you would on any other car.

    Put light back in

    Replace nuts.

    Put lining back

    Job done|||You should buy a Chilton%26#039;s or Haynes repair Manuel for your mustang. It will give advice on all repairs step by step.

    How do i change a brake light in a 2003 nissan murano?

    and i know you have to change the bulb, i just cnt seem to get to the bults to get the tail light out. i should probably just take it to nissan hu? if you can help please let me know! thank you!|||Open the rear hatch and look for a removable interior panel near the taillight and remove it.The bulbs or speed nuts that hold the taillight assembly in place should be visible.Remove the bulb or the nuts holding the taillight in place and replace the bulb.|||The question is: How do you remove the interior panels without damaging them?

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    How do I change the rear turn signal bulb in a 1999 Subaru Legacy wagon?

    Found how to change the tail light in the tailgate but I cant get to the turn signal in the body...|||Check your owner%26#039;s manual. We just did my wife%26#039;s 2008, and there was a diagram in the manual that showed how to pull this off (Yours may be different).

    On the 2008, with the tailgate opened, there are three narrow slots between the black plastic cowl inside the door jamb and the actual tail light assembly. You put a blade screwdriver in each of these, one at a time, %26quot;with a piece of electrical tape on it to prevent scratching,%26quot; and gently pry the cowl off. This exposes some screws that you remove to release the tail light assembly from the car. Once that%26#039;s done you can see where you twist the plastic bulb holder to release it from the light assembly. Replace the bulb, re-install the holder in the assembly, re-attach the assembly to the car and the cowl to the assembly, and you%26#039;re done.|||There is a tall and narrow removable access panel just inside, just behind the tail light assembly. The bulbs are easily found and remove with a quarter twist counter clockwise.

    How to change an 05 chevy cobalt tail light?

    my tail light just went out so tomo im going to get a new bulb. I have no experience but it really cant be too hard. My brother who usually handles all my car problems is out of town. So if someone could give me detailed instuctions from beginning to end that%26#039;d be great thanks!|||get in the trunk and pull the carpet back from the rear of the taillight that needs fixed and you will see 3 or 4 wing nuts that you need to take off and then the light will pull completely out from the outside of the car and then you will see where the bulbs go.|||You can probably access the light from the trunk.

    1) Remove the two screws revealed when the trunk lid is opened.

    2) Unscrew upper cargo net anchor.

    3) Pull back carpet wall, remove nut on threaded rod.|||Check in side your trunk...look for a panel that either comes apart by clips or screws. Pull the housing out carefully, your bulb should screw out..the whole thing should be self explanatory. Hope this was helpful.

    I need to know how to change the rear bulbs(tail lights) in a 99 Chevy Tahoe.?

    Open the rear door. On the inside of the door frame their are 2 torx (looks like a star) screws, a T-15 is the size I believe. One to the top of the light cover and one to the bottom.|||going from memory there should be hex head screws on the outside of the lamp. One on the top one on the bottom. Take those out and pull the lamp right out. At least that is how the pickups are in those years.

    How do I change the brake light bulb on a 2004 Dodge Durango?

    The driver%26#039;s side brake light is out and I dont see how to get the tail light lens off to replace the bulb? HELP!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS|||If you can%26#039;t figure it out, then you can%26#039;t operate a screwdriver. There are 2 screws that hold the tail lamp in place. Once you remove those the tail lamp will %26quot;pop%26quot; out and then you can swap out the bulb. Any shop can do it in about 5 minutes.

    How would I diagnose and change a burnt out light bulb (headlight/taillight) in my 1994 Crown Victoria?

    My right turn signal lights up but does not blink. I have heard that this may be due to a burnt out light bulb. However, upon cursury inspection, all lights seem to work... so I think perhaps I need to take of the tail lenses and replace a bulb. It%26#039;s just that I%26#039;ve never done this before, so I was wondering how to go about this... Thank you for your help!|||the most common type of automtive bulb is a twist-type. What I mean by this, is the bulb should come loose by turning the plastic housing that sorrounds the bulb itself. then simply change bulbs, insert back into its hole, and turn back into place.|||Hello,

    If all the bulbs are still lite up then your bulbs are fine. You may have a selanoid that is bad or the turn signal switch needs to be worn out.

    If anyone knows how to change a tail light in a 2003 lancer, id greatly appreciate it.?

    When you go in thru the trunk and remove the panel you can not access the bulbs from there. I tried to remove the whole unit but it woulnt come off. So Im all out of ideas and I refuse to take it to the shop.|||only 2 ways to get to it either from inside the housing or in the trunk it should turn the housing which holds the bulb in the housing and it comes out of the rear of the lens assembly

    How do you change the tail light for Toyota Sienna 2004 LE?

    I need to know how to replace the brake bulb at the rear.

    Thank You|||go to auto and use there repair manuals its free.just type in your vehicle.good luck|||Remove the old light, put in the new light.|||Unbolt the light fixture on the inside and pop the complete fixture out. The bulb can then be turned out and changed.

    Want to know how to remove rear tail light on 89 chevy celebrity to change light?

    need to check wires %26amp; bulb on 89 celebrity tail light|||The bulb %26quot;should%26quot; be able to be removed from inside.

    Unplug it.

    turn it 1/4, jiggle and pull.

    You might have to remove some plastic cover to get to it.

    But it%26#039;s pretty simple.|||I will assume you are talking about the bulb, not the entire housing/ lens. Open your trunk, you will see wires going to a socket in the interior housing. Rotate the socket about 1/4 turn to the left (you will feel it loosen), pull it straight out to check/replace the bulb. To reinstall, reverse the procedure.|||can you get to the bulb by opening the trunk?|||i bet your manual knows ;)

    How do I change a tail light on a VW Golf 1998?

    I have the right bulb but no one in my area knows how to access the socket.|||Look in the owners manual. I%26#039;ve changed one before and it was so easy. All the bulbs for the tail lights are together.

    You have to depress on 2 spring clips on either side of the bulb holder and pull all the bulbs out. Be careful to pull out straight because you can break all the other bulbs.

    Press down on the bulb and turn to remove it. That%26#039;s it replace the bulb and push back the bulb holder.


    How do I change the tail light on a 2005 Chevy Cobalt LT?

    The 2005 Chevy Cobalt LT has a single, triangular tail lamp assembly on each rear corner of the vehicle. (Not the more common pair of circular lights on other models.)

    Opening the trunk reveals two screws attaching the tail lamp assembly to the car. Removing the two screws allows the assembly to wiggle a little bit, but the assembly cannot be pulled away from the car to disconnect the wiring harness or access the bulbs.

    The Pioneer sub woofer limits how far I can pull the trunk carpet wall back, but I have felt for any other retention clips, screws, or wire harnesses. I cannot find anything else to disconnect.

    I have gradually increased my pulling force with no success. I have tried sliding the assembly in different directions to un-lock any slide-and-lock style retainers with no success. I have tried removing the passenger-side tail light assembly, but have the same problem.|||It%26#039;s under warranty take it to your local dealership and say fix it leave the subs they have to work around it.|||take the sub box out twist th harness and the bulb and it should come out|||Hello fellow Cobalt owner. Try posting your question in Lots of helpful people on that site and plenty of do-it-yourselfers. Also, does the owners manual , page 5-51 help at all?||||||Backup Lamp Assembly Replacement


    Cover, Backup Lamp

    Tip Press the tab on the cover to remove from the decklid.


    Nut, Backup Lamp (Qty: 3)

    Tip If only replacing the bulb, turn the bulb socket assembly and pull out of the lamp assembly. This can be done from inside of the rear compartment lid, without removing the lamp from the vehicle.

    Tighten 10 N路m (89 lb in)


    Lamp Assembly, Backup

    Tip Disconnect the electrical connector.

    Tail Lamp Assembly Replacement


    Nut, Tail Lamp (Qty: 3)

    Tip If only replacing the bulb, turn the bulb socket assembly and pull out of the lamp assembly. This can be done from inside of the rear compartment, without removing the lamp assembly.

    Tighten 10 N路m (89 lb in)


    Lamp, Tail

    Tip Disconnect the electrical connector to remove the lamp from the quarter panel.

    Side Marker Lamp Assembly Replacement


    Screw, Side Marker (Qty: 1)

    Tighten 2 N路m (18 lb in)


    Lamp, Side Marker

    Tip Disconnect the electrical connector to remove the lamp from the fascia|||take it to a mechanic

    How do you change a burnt out tail light in a 09 Buick Enclave?

    My wife%26#039;s enclave has a burnt out taillight.. How do you change the bulb ? I don%26#039;t see how to take the lens off or remove the light Assembly. It is NOTHING like my 67 Firebird. HELP ?!|||take it to autozone and act (sic) like a dumb blonde, they may put it in for you|||very carefully


    Tell me how to get the cover off. I need to change a light bulb on a brake light on a 2006 chevy equinox!!! I mean in the tail light section? Help help help!!!!!|||If there are no screws on the outside.Open the trunk.You will need to take out or pull back the carpet like walls directly behind where the tail light is..There should be up to 4 plastic wing-nuts or 4 will need to take off.If you can get to the bulb from the trunk go ahead,but you probably will need to take the entire tail light out.|||open up the hatch there should be 2 phillips head screws on the inside. if that isnt right try seeing if there is an access panel inside that will give you access to the back of the lights without actually taking the light off of the vehicle|||I dont know... but you should have sex with the chick ur doing it for

    How do I change the break light on a nissan 2001 sentra?

    my left back tail light went out I got the correct light bulb for it but can%26#039;t find the way to replace it help with some detailed steps if you can don%26#039;t want to take to shop just to change a light bulb.|||nissans are fairly simple just got to the trunk look and you should see some plastic plugs. remove those and remove the nuts that are holding the tail light and replace. if not this steps, then just remove the cover and replace the bulb from the inside the trunk brehind the light

    How do toy change the break light on a nissan 2001 sentra?

    my left back tail light went out I got the correct light bulb for it but can%26#039;t find the way to replace it help with some detailed steps if you can don%26#039;t want to take to shop just to change a light bulb.|||Look in the trunk on some cars you change from inside the trunk by pulling out the socket. Hope it helps good luck.

    How do you get the tail light lens off an 03' town and country to change the bulb???

    If it is anything like my 2000 Grand Caravan, you open the rear liftgate and look at the taillight assembly. There should be two phillips head screws. Remove those and rotate the lens out and away from the inside of the van. Be careful not to snap the tab off the opposite side of the lense.|||Look inside. Most now change without any tools needed.

    How do you replace a tail light (brake) bulb on a 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee?

    I opened the liftgate and removed the two phillips head screws from the side of the housing, however I can%26#039;t move the light casing to get in and change the bulb.|||You will most likely not find an interior access to the lights ,,, you must remove the screws on the outside and remove the casing to get to the bulbs ... Most yrs did not have any way of gaining access from the inside ... i%26#039;m not sure if the owners manual shows this feature but it would be great to have a shop manual or at the very least a Haynes or Chiltons manual for reference... Good Luck|||Look for two more screws somewhere outside the vehicle. Also look for an access pannel just inside the back at the same level of the taillights. If there is one, you may be able to reach in and change the bulbs right there.|||After obtaining the correct light bulb-- an auto store or the dealership can tell you-- open the back hatch. On the inside back wall is where you will find access to the bulbs. I don%26#039;t know if you take the interior wall off or a open a door, but try gently (It%26#039;s easy to mark things up if you use a screwdriver to pry it off). You may even have to unscrew this. Make sure you put the burnt out bulb away from you in the garbage--don%26#039;t want to accidentally reinstall that. Plug in the new one. And reseal the compartment. Then make sure you get behind the wheel and press on the brakes with the jeep running and a friend posted at the back to notify you if its the right light bulb you replaced--and not a night driving one..

    About the S 10 p/u, year 2000, how to remove the rear tail light lens to change bulb that is out. thank you.?

    open the tailgate and look for the screws holding the housing|||If you let the tail gate down, look through where it latches. One screw will be there and the other is about 4 inches below it. Once they are out, you can pull the tail light assembly out and change the bulb.

    I have owned 2 S-10%26#039;s

    I can't figure out how to change my 2007 ford focus tail light bulb.?

    yes i know there is one srew and clip, but i cant figure out how to get the clip undone. any help would be greatly appreciated.|||i have an 05 the same problem you have to pull the clip loose with out breaking it ive change mine 3 times without it breaking

    How do i change my rear tail light bulbs?

    1985 Chrysler 5th ave; the bulb is broke and i don%26#039;t know how to change it.|||i learned this today in drivers ed :). Usually the steps to perform this task is in the manual. It is specific to every car. If you can not figure it out I recommend going to a mantinence shop, because your license can be taken away because of this, and you can be fined over 200$. This website might also help鈥?/a> . I hope this helps :) Good luck.|||Open the trunk, twist the big plastic piece right behind where the bulb should be counterclockwise, pull it out of the housing and there%26#039;s the bulb. Twist out the bulb, put new one in, and put it back together the way you took it apart. Easy.|||I don%26#039;t know that model but look for access in the trunk.

    How to change the tail light bulb on a 2007 chevy silverado w/utility bed?

    I need an image of the assembly if possible. I have already tried the checy website. It is not the same as a regular bed.|||Different lights on different beds. Is this a sealed unit light assembly mounted in a rubber grommet like on an 18 wheeler trailer? I have seen

    some of the new light assembly%26#039;s that are the LED assembly%26#039;s that

    have a metal ring riveted to the body to stop theft.

    How do I change the bulb in the tail light of a 2005 Volkswage GTI?

    My mom zips me to school, wrestling practice and just about everywhere else in this little car, so I want to do something nice for her. I just can%26#039;t seem to get the bulb out. Can anyone help me out and give me step-by-step instructions? Thanks!|||Mark L,

    I had a similar problem with my car and i went to Auto Zone and i purchased the bulb from them and they installed it for me at no charge.....I have a freind that did the same thing but at O%26#039;Reillys and it was free also, but you have to purchase the bulb from them.....

    Changing 1966 cadillac deville tail light bulbs?Where do you access the bulbs to change them.?

    I can see the bulbs up underneath but there is very little room.How do you change these bulbs without trying to get your hand up and under the bumper?|||SOMETIMES FROM INSIDE THE TRUNK PULL THE LINER BACK AND HAVE A PEEK...|||a 1966 Caddy probably has screws holding the lens on, take a look and if it does just remove the screws and then pull the lens off to access the bulbs, if there are no screws, you will have to access the bulbs from inside the trunk.|||as with nearly any car from the sxties you have to remove the whole assembly and remove th screws in the back which hold the colored lenses on

    How to change BMW 325 tail light bulb?

    Check for thumb screws just inside the trunk behind the tail light.Take the screws loose and pull on the light assembly to get to the bulbs.

    How do I remove tail light cover on 2006 Silverado to change break light bulb.?

    there should be some screws inside the bed to loosen the lens

    How do you change the tail light bulbs on a 2002 Pontiac Firebird? ?

    I have a 2002 Pontiac Firebird and my tail lights are out. I just don%26#039;t know how to replace them. If someone could please tell me, that%26#039;d be great!|||Unable to find it in your owner%26#039;s manual?

    Open rear hatch, remove access panels to allow you to reach the tail light bulbs. They are located forward of the tail light assemblies on the inside bolster within the trunk enclosure.

    Most of the bulbs will be a 1/4 turn counter clockwise to remove from their housing and the bulb may be a straight pull from it%26#039;s socket.

    Get in there as it only takes a few minutes to accomplish.

    How to change a tail light bulb 2005 jeep grand cherokee?

    open the rear hatch there will be two screws visible take them out pull the housing and it will pop out turn the grey socket to remove the bulb and pop it back in install the two screws Back in and done it takes about five minutes per side

    How to change the tail light bulb on a 2007 Prius?

    RTFM (Read The Fine Manual).|||you either have to get to it inside the trunk or take the lens off.

    How do i access the tail light bulbs to change on a 2001 nissan frontier truck?

    My tail light bulbs are going out. How do i change them?|||there should be two screws on the inside of the plastic cover, let the tail gate down and look on that side, the then two on the other side....take those out and it should pop off|||pull back the bed liner. two screws.

    How to change a burnt out brake light bulb?

    How do you change a tail light bulb in a car?|||you need to declare the car and model to find this out.

    Some older cars- take off the lens cap screws and change the bulb.

    newer cars- from the trunk.

    check the owners manual or just google

    %26quot;change brake light 1999 caravan%26quot;|||go in the trunk and pull the carpet away from the back of the light...there is usually screws or grommets that you have to pop off and then the bulb slides out. it connects to its socket almost like when you connect a regular cord to an extension cord. the bulb will have the style of bulb that it is. Make sure you get this same kind. If you are really unsure go to an auto parts store and they will help you out.|||how about auto zone and maybe they will do it for ya

    How to change a tail light bulb for a 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt?

    Remove the bulb and install new bulb, if you cant do that go to a dealer and pay them half hour labor plus the bulb 60 bucks.|||open the trunk and pull the carpet back in back of the rear light and you will see wing nuts that you unscrew and then take them off and pull the complete light assembly out and you will then see the bulbs.|||You can drive your car to the chevrolet dealer service department and ask them. They are usually willing to explain how to do minor maintenace work. I%26#039;ve done this on several occassions.|||i dnt think theyre different from any other car ull have to open the trunk, move the carpet liner and twist and pull out the light socket, then put the new one in and put it all back.|||you better go to a good,, auto repair shop,, or a car repair shop, something like that, CAr service, its really hard, and,, they can change it for some money.|||generally in the new vehicles there are either 2 or 3 plastic wing nuts that you can turn and your tail light assemble should slide right out, replace bulb put assemble back in and tighten wing nuts|||most trunk and look...pop out socket and change it. get auto parts guy to help..advance auto

    Changing a tail light bulb on a Ford Ka?

    I need to change the right tail light bulb on my Ford Ka but I am at a loss as to how to do it, what type of bulb to get and where I can get it. Anyone help?|||I agree with Rachel there, you should go to halfords and they will find the right bulb for your car and change it for you for a small price, its only 拢2 or something!! :)|||go to halfords. in the lights section they ahve a guide. You find your car and get the code. Look for that code on the lights you need.

    for fitting you go into the boot. At the back of where your lights are you should be able to pull of the casing/lining of the boot to get inside.

    Then its just like changing a lightbulb!!!!!!!|||Halfords too expensive??? You%26#039;re looking to purchase ONE bulb! Obviously this is causing you concern so I would have thought the most sensible thing to do is to find out from Halfords which bulb you need and buy it when you are there. If it costs you 20 pence more, at least you%26#039;ve solved your problem. Alternatively take the existing bulb out and get to an alternative shop. Nothing difficult about that, surely!

    Anyone know how to change a tail light bulb on a 2002 altima?

    Open the trunk, pull back the carpeting covering the rear of the lights, you may need to remove a few screws, twist the socket to loosen it, pull it out, remove the blown bulb, replace it with the new one, put the socket back in and twist it the other way to tighten it, put the carpeting back|||Open your trunk. Open the access/circuit panel on the back of the tail light. Replace the bulb. Pop the panel back on. Close the trunk.

    How do i change a tail light bulb on a pontiac g6 v6 2008?

    i cant figure out how to access the bulb. cant go through the trunk, and im afraid to take off the red glass on the outside.|||To better help you; take it to the GM dealership (or any for that matter) and they will replace the tail light under warranty. GM will replace anything (except wiper blades) for 3 years or 36,000 miles bumper to bumper.

    Hope that helps you!|||You probably need to remove the carpeting and side mats in the trunk before you can access the fasteners for the tail light housings. Most sedans that I have had (GM and Ford both) have the tail light fasteners hidden my that stuff.